
This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTR and International Criminal Law, and table of ICTR case summaries for additional information.


Ryandikayo (ICTR-95-1E)

Transferred to National Courts: 20 June 2012

Still a fugitive as of August 2018, Charles Ryandikayo, a businessman in Kibuye Prefecture, was indicted for his alleged involvement in systematic attacks against Tutsi civilians throughout Kibuye Prefecture in 1994. The prosecution charged Ryandikayo with direct responsibility for genocide, complicity in genocide, incitement to genocide, and crimes against humanity for acts of murder, extermination, rape, and persecution.

Ryandikayo remained at large as the ICTR was ending its work, and in 2012, the ICTR granted the prosecution’s request to refer the case to the national courts in Rwanda, where he would face trial if captured.