
This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTR and International Criminal Law, and table of ICTR case summaries for additional information.


Mpiranya (ICTR-00-56A & MICT-12-02)

Transferred to the MICT: 1 August 2012

Protais Mpiranya, the former Commander of the Presidential Guard Battalion within the High Command of the Rwandan Army, was indicted for allegedly ordering the killing or serious bodily harm of several Tutsis, as well as for his role in the killings of several government officials, including Prime Minister of the Transitional Government, Agathe Uwilingiyimana, the President  of the Constitutional Court, Joseph Kavaruganda, the Minister of Agriculture, Frédérique  Nzamurambaho, the Minister of Information, Faustin Rucogoza, and the Vice-President of the Parti-Sociale Démocrate and potential candidate for the Presidency of the Transitional Assembly under the Arusha Accords, Félicien Ngang. The prosecution charged Mpiranya with direct and superior responsibility for genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, complicity in genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

Mpiranya remained at large as the ICTR was ending its work, and in 2012, the ICTR Prosecution transferred the case to the IRMCT, which would handle his trial if he is captured.