IJRC’s Online Resource Hub contains informational resources useful for become familiar with international human rights law, and for conducting further research on specific standards and decisions. For a brief history and explanation of international human rights law, see the Overview of the Human Rights Framework. For a comprehensive overview of the online databases, websites, and other tools for accessing or researching international human rights law, see our guide on Researching International Human Rights Law.
IJRC’s Thematic Research Guides identify and explain the treaties and caselaw relevant to specific human rights, from education to non-discrimination.
For more in-depth or tailored research, see the following Research Aids pages:
See IJRC’s publications for additional guidance and explanations, and visit the News Room for timely analysis of developments in international human rights law. See the Courts & Monitoring Bodies section for explanations of the entities that oversee implementation of human rights law.
In addition to these resources on international human rights law, the Online Resource Hub contains informational materials on related areas of international law, including: