Draft ASEAN Human Rights Declaration Remains Confidential, to Be Completed in 2012

The Drafting Group of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) has finalized a preliminary draft of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, which is being considered by the AICHR this week.  [AI] The draft, which has not been made public, is an important step towards the adoption of a final Declaration, which the Cambodian

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International Human Rights Law as a Local Advocacy Tool : Video of Panel Discussion

On December 7, IJRC hosted Boston Human Rights Night, bringing together the legal, academic and social just communities to learn about one another’s work and discuss the relevance of international law and mechanisms to their advocacy efforts. Panelists Gabor Rona (Human Rights First), Martha Davis (Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy), Christy Fujio (Physicians for Human Rights), John

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Mexican Advocates Seek ICC Investigation of Violence, Deaths in Crack Down on Drug Trade

Mexican advocates have submitted a communication seeking an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into Mexican officials’ complicity in the deaths, torture and kidnapping of civilians in the country’s ongoing drug-related violence. [Reuters] The request for an investigation, submitted by attorney Netzai Sandoval and signed by 23,000 Mexican citizens, names President Felipe Calderon, Mexico’s most-wanted drug cartel head, the

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Inter-American Court in Session through December 3

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is in session in San Jose, Costa Rica through December 3.  [IACtHR] During this 93rd Regular Period of Sessions, the Court will hold public hearings on two contentious cases (Néstor José and Luis Uzcátegui et al. v. Venezuela, and Díaz Peña v. Venezuela) and on compliance with three previous judgments (Yakye Axa, Sawhoyamaxa and Xákmok Kásek Indigenous Communities v. Paraguay, and Mapiripán

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ECHR Tomorrow: Hearing in Fernández Martínez v. Spain, Decisions on Medical Care in Georgia Prisons, Malta Land Rights, Turkish Army, UK Custody Death

On Tuesday, November 22, the European Court of Human Rights will hold a Chamber hearing in the case Fernández Martínez v. Spain (Application no. 56030/07) and release a number of decisions in applications against Georgia, Malta, Turkey, Azerbaijan, the United Kingdom, Spain, Montenegro and Estonia. The Fernández Martínez v. Spain case concerns the decision not to renew a Spanish priest’s

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African Court Judge Ouguergouz Reviews History of African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights at 30th Anniversary

In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, one of the first judges of the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights and a participant in the Charter’s drafting, Judge Fatsah Ouguergouz gave a thoughtful and illuminating speech reviewing the document’s history and its place among other regional and international human rights instruments. With regard

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Uruguay: Moving closer toward accountability?

Lisl Brunner contributes this post on recent developments in Uruguay’s compliance with the Gelman v. Uruguay judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in follow-up to her article, Is Uruguay Foundering on the Path to Accountability?: The Aftermath of the Gelman decision of the Inter-American Court, published this summer in the American Society of International Law newsletter Accountability. ___________________________ by Lisl Brunner Uruguay has

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