
This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTR and International Criminal Law, and table of ICTR case summaries for additional information.


Ntawukulilyayo (ICTR-05-82)

Trial Judgment: 3 August 2010; Appeal Judgment: 14 December 2011

Dominique Ntawukulilyayo, the former Sub-Prefect of Gisagara Sub-Prefecture in Butare Prefecture, stood trial for his role in attacks on Tutsi refugees at Kabuye hill. The prosecution charged Ntawukulilyayo with direct and superior responsibility for genocide and complicity in genocide and with direct responsibility for incitement to commit genocide.

In 2010, an ICTR Trial Chamber convicted Ntawukulilyayo of genocide for using his authority to lure Tutsi refugees to Kabuye hill and for transporting attackers to Kabuye hill, which lead to the death of thousands of refugees. In 2011, the ICTR Appeals Chamber affirmed Ntawukulilyayo’s conviction for genocide, but overturned the Trial Chamber on a narrow issue. The Appeals Chamber reduced Ntawukulilyayo’s sentence from 25 years’ to 20 years’ imprisonment.