The International Justice Resource Center held this unique training seminar on the international human rights framework and its uses in civil rights and social justice advocacy, at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, California on June 11 and 12, 2013. Separate expert panels addressed the United Nations human rights mechanisms, Inter-American System, human rights litigation in United States courts, state and local implementation of international human rights standards, and documentation of human rights abuses. The training was generously co-sponsored by the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Asian Law Caucus, Center for Justice & Accountability, and US Human Rights Network (USHRN). For more information, see the agenda and speakers’ bios.
Visit the Dropbox site to view or download all the training materials, including speakers’ presentations.
In addition to relevant treaties, decisions, reports and articles, these materials also include IJRC’s handbook on human rights advocacy Opportunities for Attorneys and Advocates in the United States, and handouts on the United States’ human rights obligations, human rights terms and acronyms, ACLU’s FAQs on the ICCPR review, a USHRN shadow report template, and timeline of USHRN activities around the ICCPR review, to help participants utilize the information gained during the conference and engage with the human rights mechanisms discussed.
Session Videos
The videos of each session are available on Vimeo and YouTube.
This program was designed to allow participants to learn about the opportunities to advance policy objectives and individual complaints by engaging with the international human rights framework, increase their knowledge of local and state governments’ implementation of international human rights standards, and gain insight into documenting violations from a human rights perspective. This training was approved for over 10 Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit hours by the State Bar of California.