European Commission Proposes Directive on Right to Counsel in Criminal Proceedings

The European Commission has issued the third in a series of proposals for European Parliament and Council directives to set “common minimum standards on the rights of suspects and accused persons in criminal proceedings throughout the European Union”, pursuant to a European Council resolution adopted in November 2009, and part of the Stockholm Programme.  Council Resolution 15434/09, Roadmap for Strengthening Procedural Rights

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Hristovi v. Bulgaria: Police Must Be Identifiable When Using Masks – EHCR

The European Court of Human Rights‘ judgment this week in Hristovi v. Bulgaria, App. No.42697/05, Judgment of 11 October 2011, concerned allegations of excessive force, intimidation and threats against a Bulgarian couple by armed, masked police officers who burst into their apartment to conduct an arrest and search.  The Court held that, while the applicants had not sufficiently proved the

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ECHR in Emre 2: Swiss Courts' Reduction of Immigration Ban from Indefinite to 10 Years Still Not in Compliance with Convention

In 2008, the European Court of Human Rights held that Switzerland’s decision to ban an  immigrant from the country indefinitely violated his right to protection of private and family life (Article 8), when that decision was based on his criminal convictions (some committed as a juvenile), and did not take into account his health problem, personal and family ties in

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ICC Approves Investigation into 2010 Election Violence in Côte d'Ivoire

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has authorized the ICC prosecutor to pursue an investigation into crimes committed during post-election violence in Côte d’Ivoire, from November 28, 2010 onward. [ICC]  Although not a party to the Rome Statute, Côte d’Ivoire submitted a declaration accepting the ICC’s jurisdiction as to events occurring after September 19, 2002.  The ICC judges have instructed the prosecutor to

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UN and Human Rights Orgs Highlight Religious Persecution of Christians

Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world, according to a Holy See report to the United Nations. [OHCHR] Human rights groups have urged Iran and Egypt to protect Christians facing religious persecution, including by halting the planned execution of Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani sentenced to death for the crime of apostasy, and by investigating the deaths of

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ECHR Rejects Soros' Complaint of Unfair Prosecution for Insider Trading

The European Court of Human Rights has dismissed philanthropist George Soros’ application challenging his 2002 conviction in France for insider trading. [FT]  Last September, the court declared his complaint partially admissible, admitting Soros’ allegation that the crime with which he was charged was not clearly established in French law (in violation of the nulla poena sine lege, or no ex

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Employment Opportunities in Human Rights – October 11, 2011

Director, Child Soldiers International.  Deadline: October 16, 2011.  Location: London, UK. See application requirements. Child Protection Officer, Juvenile Justice and Legal Protection, UNICEF.  Deadline: October 14, 2011. Location: Yangon, Burma. See application requirements. Three-month funded internship on LGBT human rights in Europe, INTERIGHTS.  Deadline: October 16, 2011.  Location: London, UK.  See application requirements (also accepting speculative applications for human rights

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New Special Rapporteurs on Truth, Justice and Reconciliation & Promotion of Democratic International Order

The UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution (A/HRC/18/L.22) creating a new Special Rapporteurship on Truth, Justice and Reparation. [OHCHR]  The three-year mandate holder will be charged with “gathering relevant information on national situations relating to the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence in addressing gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law,

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