Women’s Human Rights

For more information on specific rights discussed in this guide, please see the full list of IJRC’s thematic guides. OVERVIEW Women are entitled to enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as other individuals. International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination,

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Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, Minister of Human Rights for Iraq during the special session on Iraq of the Human Rights Council. Credit: UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré

UN Human Rights Council Requests Investigation into Islamic State’s Human Rights Abuses in Iraq

The United Nations Human Rights Council held its 22nd special session this week to address human rights violations committed by the Islamic State and associated groups, which have been accused of mass atrocities as they move to take territory and eliminate minority groups in Iraq and neighboring countries. [OHCHR; Amnesty] The UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution  requesting the

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European Court of Human Rights Releases Six New Thematic Factsheets on Landmark Cases

The European Court of Human Rights has released six new factsheets summarizing its jurisprudence on the topics of: hunger strikes in detention, migrants in detention, domestic violence, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and political parties and associations. The factsheets provide valuable insights into the kinds of issues being raised before the Court, direct practitioners to key cases and decisions, and

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IACtHR Hears Cases involving Forced Disappearance, Indigenous Land Rights, Torture, and Violence Against Women in its 50th Special Session

From March 31 to April 4, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights celebrated its 50th Special Session at its headquarters in San José, Costa Rica. The Court held public hearings on three pending cases concerning forced disappearance, indigenous land rights, and torture in arbitrary detention. The Court also  conducted private deliberations to prepare its judgment in a case concerning the

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With Đorđević Appeals Judgment, ICTY Concludes Final Case Concerning Kosovo

On January 27, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) confirmed Vlastimir Đorđević’s conviction in relation to crimes committed by Serbian forces against Albanians, during the conflict in Kosovo. [ICTY: Appeal Judgment Summary] It partially granted appeals raised by both the prosecution and defense, reducing Đorđević’s sentence from 27 to 18 years. This judgment

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Special Tribunal for Lebanon Opens Trial of 4 Accused in Rafiq Hariri Assassination, in Abstentia

Last week, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) opened the trial proceedings against Salim Jamil Ayyash, Mustafa Amine Badreddine, Hussein Hassan Oneissi, and Assad Hassan Sabra for the Beirut bombing that killed 22 individuals, including the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, on February 14, 2005. See STL, Prosecutor v. Ayyash et al. (Case STL-11-01), Indictment (Public Redacted Version), 10

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European Court of Human Rights Cautions United Kingdom News Media about Misleading Coverage

The Registrar for the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently admonished several British newspapers for publishing misleading reports about the tribunal’s judgments.  [The Guardian]  The Registry‘s statement, which was emailed directly to reporters, explained that the ECtHR was “concerned about the frequent misrepresentation of its activities in the British media,” specifically pointing to recent articles discussing payments made to

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Former Liberian President Charles Taylor’s Conviction and 50-Year Sentence Upheld on Appeal

Liberian ex-president Charles Taylor’s appeal against his conviction for war crimes and crimes against humanity has been rejected. Last Thursday, the Special Court for Sierra Leon (SCSL), an independent tribunal established jointly by Sierra Leon and the United Nations, unanimously upheld Taylor’s convictions and 50-year sentence. [SCSL] The UN Security Council released a statement calling the decision “an important step

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Advisory Committee and Working Group on Communications Meet in Advance of UN Human Rights Council's 24th Session

As advocates prepare to attend the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 24th Session, to be held in Geneva from September 9 to 27, two of the Council’s subsidiary bodies will be in session this month.  The Advisory Committee will convene to make advances in the study of topics of interest identified by the Council, and the Working Group on Communications

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International Community Urges Egyptian Authorities to Respect Rule of Law and Human Rights, amid Mixed Reactions to President’s Ouster

Immediately following the military-led ouster of Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president, and amidst clashes between authorities and protesters, supranational bodies urged all parties involved to respect human rights and adhere to the rule of law.  Morsi, an Islamist politician elected in June 2012 following the revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak, faced increasing public opposition as he expanded executive

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