
This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTY and International Criminal Law, and the table of ICTY case summaries for additional information.   Boškoski & Tarčulovski (IT-04-82) Trial Judgment: 10 July 2008; Appeal Judgment: 19 May

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTY and International Criminal Law, and the table of ICTY case summaries for additional information.   Blaškić (IT-95-14) “Lašva Valley” Trial Judgment: 3 March 2000; Appeal Judgment: 29 July 2004

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTY and International Criminal Law, and the table of ICTY case summaries for additional information.   Blagojević & Jokić (IT-02-60) Trial Judgment: 17 January 2005; Appeal Judgment: 9 May

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTY and International Criminal Law, and the table of ICTY case summaries for additional information.   Banović (IT-02-65/1) “Omarska and Keraterm Camps” Trial Judgment: 28 October 2003 Predrag Banović, a

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTY and International Criminal Law, and the table of ICTY case summaries for additional information.   Aleksovski (IT-95-14/1) “Lašva Valley” Trial Judgment: 2 June 1999; Appeal Judgment: 24 March 2000

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTR and International Criminal Law, and table of ICTR case summaries for additional information.   Nshogoza (ICTR-07-91) Trial Judgment: 7 July 2009; Appeal Judgment: 15 March 2010 Léonidas Nshogoza, a former

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTR and International Criminal Law, and table of ICTR case summaries for additional information.   GAA (ICTR-07-90) Trial Judgment: 4 December 2007 The defendant, who goes by the pseudonym “GAA” and

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTR and International Criminal Law, and table of ICTR case summaries for additional information.   Uwilingiyimana (ICTR-05-83) Died before Trial: 17 December 2005 Juvénal Uwilingiyimana, the former Director of Tourism, was

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTR and International Criminal Law, and table of ICTR case summaries for additional information.   Rusatira (ICTR-02-80) Indictment Withdrawn: 14 August 2002 Léonidas Rusatira, a former Colonel in the Rwanda Armed

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This case summary is part of a collection of summaries describing the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). See the Online Resource Hub pages on the ICTR and International Criminal Law, and table of ICTR case summaries for additional information.   Ntuyahaga (ICTR-98-40) Indictment Withdrawn: 18 March 1999; Appeal Judgment: 3 June 1999 Bernard Ntuyahaga, a former

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