UK Exercises Universal Jurisdiction to Prosecute Nepalese Colonel for Torture

On Thursday, January 3, 2013, British Metropolitan Police arrested Colonel Kumar Lama, a former Nepalese army officer, during a visit with his wife and children at their home in East Sussex, England. [BBC]  Col. Lama was charged with two counts of torture allegedly committed in 2005 during Nepal’s civil war and faces trial in Britain. Charges and Basis of British

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Syrian Opposition Coalition Formed as Human Rights Situation Continues to Deteriorate

On Sunday, November 11, Syrian opposition groups signed a draft agreement to form the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary Opposition Forces. [BBC] Sheikh Moaz al-Khatib, a former imam of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus who is considered a moderate and unifying force, was chosen to lead the new coalition. The Gulf Arab States have recognized the coalition as the sole legitimate

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International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Commences its Final Trial

The final case pending before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) involves Goran Hadžić, the former president of the self-proclaimed Republic of Serbian Krajina, who is indicted for persecution and murder of non-Serbs, as well as unlawful imprisonment, torture, inhumane acts, cruel treatment, forcible transfer, deportation and wanton destruction, and plunder of private or public property.  Hadžić was

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Special Court for Sierra Leone's Annual Report Focuses on Legacy as Mandate Nears End

Last week, the Special Court for Sierra Leone released its Ninth Annual Report on its activities.  Article 25 of the Statute of the Special Court requires the President to release an annual report to the Government of Sierra Leone and the Secretary General of the United Nations.  The Ninth Annual Report focused on activities carried out by the Special Court

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Asylum & the Rights of Refugees

  OVERVIEW States have been granting protection to individuals and groups fleeing persecution for centuries; however, the modern refugee regime is largely the product of the second half of the twentieth century. Like international human rights law, modern refugee law has its origins in the aftermath of World War II as well as the refugee crises of the interwar years

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First UN High-Level Meeting on the Rule of Law Focuses on Human Rights, Accountability

On September 24, 2012, the  UN General Assembly held a High-Level Meeting on the Rule of Law during its 67th Session at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This was the first-ever high-level meeting by the General Assembly devoted to the Rule of Law and took place a day before the general debate opened. The meeting was over-subscribed with approximately

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Betsy Apple

Betsy Apple is Advocacy Director for the Open Society Justice Initiative. She has diverse experience as an international human rights lawyer, focusing on issues at the intersection of human rights, gender justice, environmental abuses, and public health. Previously, she was Legal Director and General Counsel at AIDS-Free World and, prior to that, the director of the Crimes Against Humanity program at Human Rights

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Victims’ Justice: Promises Broken on the Road to Trying the Khmer Rouge

James Bair contributes this guest post, the first in a two-part feature sharing differing perspectives on the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. James Bair is an attorney in Washington, D.C. and a contributor to Enough: the Project to End Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. ______________________________________________ By James Bair In 2008, as part of an internship with Northeastern University

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Mexican Advocates Seek ICC Investigation of Violence, Deaths in Crack Down on Drug Trade

Mexican advocates have submitted a communication seeking an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into Mexican officials’ complicity in the deaths, torture and kidnapping of civilians in the country’s ongoing drug-related violence. [Reuters] The request for an investigation, submitted by attorney Netzai Sandoval and signed by 23,000 Mexican citizens, names President Felipe Calderon, Mexico’s most-wanted drug cartel head, the

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Khmer Rouge Tribunal Trial Underway in Case 002

This week, the Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), commonly referred to as the “Khmer Rouge tribunal” began hearing opening statements by the prosecution in Case 002, in which Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith and Khieu Samphan are accused of crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, and genocide in connection with

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