This week, the European Court of Human Rights announced the Grand Chamber’s judgment in X and Others v. Austria [GC], app. no. 19010/07, Judgment of 19 February 2013, in which the court considered whether a restriction on a lesbian woman’s ability to adopt her partner’s child violated the European Convention on Human Rights. In finding a violation of Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination)
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ECtHR Confirms Child's Interest in Establishing Paternity, Parent's Right to Enforcement of Visitation
In late January, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) elaborated on the right to private and family life, as protected by the European Convention on Human Rights, in two new judgments – one concerning restrictions on the ability to establish one’s paternity and the other involving enforcement of a non-custodial parent’s visiting privileges. The European Court’s caselaw on parents’ and
Read moreIACtHR Swears in New Judges, Hears Cases on Range of Issues during Ongoing 98th Session
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) is holding its 98th Ordinary Session from February 4 through February 15, 2013 at its seat in San José, Costa Rica. [IACtHR Press Release (Spanish)] During this session, the Court will hear evidence and legal arguments from the parties in six cases pending before it, preside over private hearings on States’ compliance with three previous judgments,
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Domestic Workers Convention to Enter into Force in 2013, following Second Ratification
On Monday, the Philippine Senate ratified the International Labor Organization’s Domestic Workers Convention (DWC), paving the way for the DWC to enter into legal force next year. The Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers (No. 189), is the first international treaty to address the specific vulnerabilities and rights of the estimated 50 to 100 million domestic workers worldwide, most of
Read moreAfrican Children's Rights Committee in Session This Week
This week, the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) will hold its 18th session in Algiers from November 27 to December 1, to engage in a dialogue with States, civil society actors and other stakeholders. [OSF] The ACERWC is based in Addis Ababa and is composed of eleven experts elected by the AU Assembly of
Read moreIACtHR's 44th Extraordinary Session: Hearing Today on Father's Rights in Adoption Process
As the Inter-American Court of Human Rights holds its 44th Extraordinary Session in Barbados from October 10 to 14, it will hear arguments in the case of Fornerón v. Argentina (paternal consent in adoption proceedings) and host a seminar and roundtable discussion focused on Caribbean engagement with the Inter-American System. This session marks the first time the Court has convened
Read moreNews Clips – October 3, 2010
In Ecuador, a state of emergency remains in place following last week’s uprising of members of the military against President Correa’s government, prompting human rights defenders to call for a quick restoration of full civil liberties. [CEJIL] The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights condemned the attack against Correa. [IACHR] Germany today commemorates 20 years of reunification and will use its
Read moreHuman Rights Council Concludes 13th Session
The U.N. Human Rights Council concluded its 13th regular session last week, having considered a great variety of reports from the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the special procedures, and the Working Group on Universal Period Review (reports on Eritrea, the Dominican Republic, Cambodia, Norway, Albania, Cyprus, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Portugal, Bhutan, Dominica, Democratic People’s Republic
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