African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights Organizes Sensitization Conferences for National Judiciaries and News Media

This week, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) is hosting two conferences at its seat in Arusha, Tanzania in an effort to increase awareness of the Court’s functions and activities.  From November 18 to 20, the Court will organize a Continental Judicial Dialogue to bring together members from various institutions of the African human rights system, chief

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Pinochet-Era Torture Victim Awarded Reparation by Inter-American Court of Human Rights for Chile’s Inadequate Investigation

In its first judgment in favor of a living survivor of Pinochet era abuses, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) has found Chile in violation of its obligations to investigate and remedy the arbitrary detention and torture of Mr. Leopoldo Garcia Lucero, who was left permanently disabled by the treatment he suffered in the 1970s.  See I/A Court H.R.,

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Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal Sentences Two to Death for 1971 Killings of Pro-Independence Intellectuals

On November 3, 2013, the controversial International Crimes Tribunal in Dhaka, Bangladesh released a verdict sentencing two expatriates to death by hanging for “aiding, abetting, instructing, ordering, encouraging, and providing moral support to” the murderers of 18 prominent pro-independence intellectuals during Bagladesh’s 1971 war of independence from Pakistan. New York Times The two defendants are among several individuals convicted in

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Upcoming Sessions: African, Inter-American, and European Human Rights Mechanisms

This week, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACPHR), Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) will begin holding sessions. During their sessions, all three bodies will evaluate human rights conditions in their regions and consider State compliance with the duties and obligations set forth in regional human rights treaties.

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Universal Periodic Review to Examine 15 States’ Human Rights Records This Month

From October 21 to November 1, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group will hold its 17th Session in Geneva, Switzerland.  Fifteen States are slated to have their human rights records reviewed: Saudi Arabia, Senegal, China, Nigeria, Mexico, Mauritius, Jordan, Malaysia, the Central African Republic, Monaco, Belize, Chad, Israel, the Congo and Malta. This is the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review that

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European Court of Human Rights Cautions United Kingdom News Media about Misleading Coverage

The Registrar for the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently admonished several British newspapers for publishing misleading reports about the tribunal’s judgments.  [The Guardian]  The Registry‘s statement, which was emailed directly to reporters, explained that the ECtHR was “concerned about the frequent misrepresentation of its activities in the British media,” specifically pointing to recent articles discussing payments made to

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African Union Expresses Opposition to International Criminal Court Prosecutions and Seeks Postponement of Kenyatta Trial

On October 11 and 12, the African Union held an Extraordinary Summit on the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to discuss concerns regarding the ICC’s treatment of African cases and the upcoming trial of Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta. [AU]

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ECtHR Rules that Discriminatory Dismissal of HIV-Positive Employee Violates European Convention on Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights this week issued a judgment concerning an employee’s termination due to his HIV-positive status, and the lack of judicial protection offered by the Greek courts. See ECtHR, I.B. v. Greece, no. 552/10, Judgment of 3 October 2013 (in French).  The European Court held that I.B.’s termination constituted violations of articles 8 (right to respect

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Ongoing Special Session of Inter-American Court of Human Rights Focuses on Rights of Child Migrants

From October 7 to 11, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Court) will be holding its 48th Special Session in Mexico City. During this session, the Court will hold hearings regarding one contentious case and a forthcoming advisory opinion, both concerning the rights of migrants.

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