UN Votes to Adopt Arms Trade Treaty, Restricting Export of Weapons that May Be Used for Human Rights Violations

The United Nations (UN) General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to adopt an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) on April 2, 2013.  The treaty regulates international trade of conventional arms, and aims to “[contribute] to international and regional peace, security and stability.” ATT, art. 1.  Among other requirements, States Parties must prohibit the international transfer of arms whenever the government has knowledge that

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Inter-American Commission and Court to Address Broad Range of Human Rights Issues in March Hearings

The two bodies of the Inter-American human rights system will be in session this month to consider issues of concern in the Americas and to receive testimony in pending contentious cases. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will hold its 147th Session from March 7 to 22, with public hearings taking place on March 11-12 and 14-16 at the Commission’s headquarters

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UN Publishes Guide for Measuring Human Rights

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) at the end of 2012 released a new publication entitled Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation, which is available online in English and Spanish.  The Guide supports the identification of objective indicators for measuring countries’ progress in realizing human rights and came about in response to requests

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Guatemala Abrogates Attempt to Limit the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Jurisdiction

On January 17, 2013, Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina announced the derogation of a resolution that would have attempted to limit the Inter-American Court of Human Right’s jurisdiction over alleged human rights violations that took place before 1987. [IACHR; Procuraduría de Derechos Humanos] In December 2012, the Guatemalan Congress passed Resolution 370-2012, the purpose of which was to restrict the Inter-American Court of

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It's Human Rights Day! : Get an "I Am a Human with Rights!" T-Shirt & Make Twice the Impact

Happy Human Rights Day! IJRC is celebrating the 64th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by offering our supporters a fabulous I Am a Human with Rights! T-shirt and the opportunity to double the impact of your support for IJRC’s efforts to inform, advise, and train human rights defenders around the world. Your Human Rights Day donation to IJRC will be doubled up to $5,000 by

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A Look at Human Rights Day 2012

What is Human Rights Day? Human Rights Day began in 1950 to commemorate the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on December 10, 1948.  Although the UDHR is not legally binding on UN Member States, it is the origin for binding human rights instruments that followed, including the International Covenant on Civil and

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Syrian Opposition Coalition Formed as Human Rights Situation Continues to Deteriorate

On Sunday, November 11, Syrian opposition groups signed a draft agreement to form the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary Opposition Forces. [BBC] Sheikh Moaz al-Khatib, a former imam of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus who is considered a moderate and unifying force, was chosen to lead the new coalition. The Gulf Arab States have recognized the coalition as the sole legitimate

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Join IJRC in Standing for All Humans with Rights

IJRC’s work is made possible by the generous support of individuals like YOU! Through the I Am a Human with Rights! campaign, we are spreading the message that our fundamental rights are protected by international law. Our goal is to raise $30,000 by December 31, to continue empowering advocates to achieve justice for human rights violations in 2013. Your donation will be

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Venezuela Denounces American Convention on Human Rights as IACHR Faces Reform

Overview On September 10, 2012 the Government of Venezuela denounced the American Convention on Human Rights (the American Convention).  Pursuant to Article 78 of the American Convention, the Government of Venezuela officially made its denunciation through a letter delivered to the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza. When the withdrawal takes effect in one year’s

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Reprisals for Reporting Human Rights Violations

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, will present his annual report on government reprisals against persons who report human rights abuses to the UN at the Human Rights Council in September 2012. The Secretary-General’s report (A/HRC/21/18) presents numerous countries and cases where human rights defenders were subjected to intimidation and harassment by government for interacting or communicating with

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