6 Key Takeaways on Protecting Women’s Rights through International Law and Advocacy

More than 75 people gathered last Thursday for Protecting Women’s Rights: International Law & Advocacy, a full-day conference for advocates and lawyers organized by the International Justice Resource Center (IJRC). The training, held at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, featured some of the most distinguished human rights and women’s rights practitioners in the world speaking on a variety

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June 19 Women’s Rights Training: New Speakers, MCLE Approval & More

The International Justice Resource Center is pleased to announce additional details concerning Protecting Women’s Rights: International Law & Advocacy, our June 19, 2014 human rights training for lawyers, advocates, and students working on women’s rights issues. New Speakers Lisa Davis has joined the incredible lineup of expert presenters, to share her experience and insights on using international human rights advocacy to

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Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women oversees implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) through its consideration of State reports, individual complaints, inter-State complaints, and inquiry requests, and its preparation of general recommendations, statements, and general discussions. As of October 2021, 189 States are party to the CEDAW. COMPOSITION

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Riots in France over Veil Ban Prompt Continued Discussion of Freedom of Expression and Religion, Stigmatization of Muslim Women

For the moment, the riots in France over the public ban on face veils have abated, but public discussion of the law’s possible infringement on freedom of religion continues. The riots, which began on July 19 in Trappes, a suburb west of Paris, were prompted by the arrest of a man whose wife was ticketed for wearing a face veil

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African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights Takes Action on Access to Information, Reproductive Health during 53rd Session

The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) is currently holding its 53rd Ordinary Session, from  April 9 to April 23, 2013 in Banjul, The Gambia.  During the session, the Commission’s agenda will include public hearings on the human rights situation in Africa, the review individual complaints (“communications”), States’ reports, and activity reports, and the launch of a model

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Citizenship & Nationality

N.B.: Although the terms nationality and citizenship technically have two distinct meanings, international human rights courts and advocates at times use the two terms interchangeably. OVERVIEW The right to a nationality is of paramount importance to the realization of other fundamental human rights. Possession of a nationality carries with it the diplomatic protection of the country of nationality and is

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Special Court for Sierra Leone's Annual Report Focuses on Legacy as Mandate Nears End

Last week, the Special Court for Sierra Leone released its Ninth Annual Report on its activities.  Article 25 of the Statute of the Special Court requires the President to release an annual report to the Government of Sierra Leone and the Secretary General of the United Nations.  The Ninth Annual Report focused on activities carried out by the Special Court

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