African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights Issues Judgment in Killing of Investigative Journalist

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights recently delivered four judgments, including a noteworthy decision in the case of the Beneficiaries of the Late Norbert Zongo and others v. Burkina Faso. [AfCHPR] The Court rendered its decisions during its 32nd Ordinary Session, held in from March 10 to 28 at the Court’s seat in Arusha, Tanzania.

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IACtHR Hears Cases involving Forced Disappearance, Indigenous Land Rights, Torture, and Violence Against Women in its 50th Special Session

From March 31 to April 4, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights celebrated its 50th Special Session at its headquarters in San José, Costa Rica. The Court held public hearings on three pending cases concerning forced disappearance, indigenous land rights, and torture in arbitrary detention. The Court also  conducted private deliberations to prepare its judgment in a case concerning the

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New Educational Videos and Handbooks on the Inter-American Human Rights System

IJRC is pleased to share some new informational tools for advocates and individual complainants in the Americas, which can now be found in the Online Resource Hub. Our popular animated video and legal handbook on the Inter-American human rights system have been revised to reflect important changes in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ Rules of Procedure and the Inter-American Court

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International Human Rights Bodies Condemn Violence, Gov’t Responses to Protests in Thailand, Ukraine, and Venezuela

Tensions have escalated in Thailand, Ukraine, and Venezuela in recent weeks as political protests have given rise to violent clashes and political upheaval. The United Nations and international human rights bodies have called upon each government to engage in meaningful dialogue to address these conflicts and develop solutions. [OHCHR; COE; UN News Centre] UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon emphasized that “there

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IACtHR to Hear Cases Involving Extrajudicial Killings in Peru, Guatemala, and Venezuela during 102nd Regular Session

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights will hear expert and witness testimony in three pending cases concerning extrajudicial executions, convene two private hearings on States’ compliance with prior decisions, and deliberate on the merits of two cases concerning alleged criminal due process violations during its ongoing 102nd Regular Session, being held from January 27 through February 7 at its headquarters

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ECtHR Finds Granting Civil Immunity for Torture to Foreign State Officials Does Not Violate European Convention on Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued a judgment last week upholding a British court’s grant of immunity to Saudi Arabia and Saudi officials who allegedly tortured British citizens. See ECtHR, Jones and Others v. United Kingdom, nos. 34356/06 and 40528/06, ECHR 2014, Judgment of 14 January 2014. The UK House of Lords had blocked the plaintiffs’ civil suits

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ECtHR Finds Mandatory Transmission of Father’s Surname to Child is Discriminatory

Last week, the European Court of Human Rights released a decision in favor of Italian parents whose attempts to give their child her mother’s surname were frustrated by the State’s adherence to traditional naming practices.  ECtHR, Cusan and Fazzo v. Italy, no. 77/07, Judgment of 7 January 2014 (French only).  The Court found the State’s refusal to allow a mother

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European Court of Human Rights to Begin Implementing Stricter Requirements for Individual Applications in 2014

Beginning January 1, 2014, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) will apply several major changes to its consideration of individual complaints, pursuant to the entry into force of the new Rule 47 of its Rules of Court. [ECtHR Press Release]  The changes to Rule 47 concern the form and content of initial applications themselves, and enforcement of the “six-month rule.”

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European Court of Human Rights Hears Extraordinary Rendition Cases, as "War on Terror" Controversies Continue

Over the past week, the European Court of Human Rights has held hearings in several cases relating to the “war on terror,” at the same time as the United States has forcibly repatriated two Guantanamo Bay detainees, despite their fears of persecution. The following post summarizes these developments and – in follow-up to this previous post – also surveys recent advances in other

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