ICC Prosecutor Withdraws Charges against Muthaura: Background and Implications for Kenya Cases

In a written and video statement made public on Monday, March 11, 2013, International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced she would be withdrawing all charges against Francis Muthaura arising out of Kenya’s 2007 and 2008 post-election violence. Muthaura, Kenya’s former civil service chief, was accused of committing crimes against humanity, including murder and rape. Bensouda’s decision marks the first time charges have been withdrawn

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Bangladesh Faces Violence, Controversy Over International Crimes Tribunal Convictions

Bangladesh has been marked by riots and violence, with more than 80 killed since January 21, 2013 due to conflict surrounding the International Crimes Tribunal’s recent convictions of members of the Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami political party on charges stemming from the its collaboration with Pakistani forces during the 1971 Liberation War, through which Bangladesh won independence. [The International]  Since it began

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UN Special Rapporteur Addresses Possible Torture in Healthcare

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Mr. Juan Méndez, presented last week a controversial report to the UN Human Rights Council asserting that certain acts under national healthcare systems may violate the Convention against Torture (CAT).  Special Rapporteur Méndez recognized that the report may arguably extend beyond his mandate as traditionally defined and into the realm of the “right to health,”

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African Court in Session to Consider Cases Involving Journalist’s Assassination, Employment and Political Rights

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Court) is currently holding its 28th Ordinary Session at its seat in Arusha, Tanzania through March 15, 2013. The Court, whose mandate is complementary to that of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, has announced it expects to focus on several cases during the session. A New Judge Joins the

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Inter-American Commission and Court to Address Broad Range of Human Rights Issues in March Hearings

The two bodies of the Inter-American human rights system will be in session this month to consider issues of concern in the Americas and to receive testimony in pending contentious cases. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will hold its 147th Session from March 7 to 22, with public hearings taking place on March 11-12 and 14-16 at the Commission’s headquarters

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UN Compensates Zimbabwe Staffer, but Haitian Victims' Struggle for Justice Continues in Cholera Outbreaks Attributed to UN

At the end of February, the United Nations (UN) issued two decisions concerning its role is the spread of cholera in Haiti and Zimbabwe. In Haiti, victims of cholera and their advocates claim that UN peacekeepers from Nepal introduced cholera to the country, but the UN has stated it will not hear their complaint. [UN]  In Zimbabwe, a UN official claims

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Opportunities to Contribute to UN Reports with March Deadlines

This month, civil society organizations and human rights defenders have the opportunity to contribute their comments on three upcoming UN reports on the topics of the right to peace, the relationship between human rights and traditional values, and the death penalty.

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UN Launches the Rabat Plan of Action

On 21 February  2013, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) launched the Rabat Plan of Action on the prohibition of advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence. The Rabat Plan aims to provide guidance on how to balance between Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and

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