Inter-American Commission's Proposed Rule Changes Adopt Some OAS Recommendations

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has announced proposed changes to its Rules of Procedure, policies, and practices, which are open to public comment through March 1.  The proposals are motivated by the Commission’s interest in increasing its transparency and effectiveness, but are also a proactive response to the ongoing reform process through which the General Assembly of the

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In X and Others v. Austria, ECtHR Finds Discriminatory Restriction on Same-Sex Couple Adoption Violates Convention

This week, the European Court of Human Rights announced the Grand Chamber’s judgment in X and Others v. Austria [GC], app. no. 19010/07, Judgment of 19 February 2013, in which the court considered whether a restriction on a lesbian woman’s ability to adopt her partner’s child violated the European Convention on Human Rights.  In finding a violation of  Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination)

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UN Publishes Guide for Measuring Human Rights

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) at the end of 2012 released a new publication entitled Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation, which is available online in English and Spanish.  The Guide supports the identification of objective indicators for measuring countries’ progress in realizing human rights and came about in response to requests

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Extraordinary African Chambers: Hybrid Court to Try Former Chad Dictator Hissène Habré

The Extraordinary African Chambers, a special criminal court, opened on February 8, 2013 in the West African nation of Senegal to prepare a case against former Chadian president Hissène Habré. [NY Times]  Habré has been accused of responsibility for the deaths of more than 40,000 people and the torture of more than 20,000 during his eight-year rule of Chad, from 1982

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ECtHR Confirms Child's Interest in Establishing Paternity, Parent's Right to Enforcement of Visitation

In late January, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) elaborated on the right to private and family life, as protected by the European Convention on Human Rights, in two new judgments – one concerning restrictions on the ability to establish one’s paternity and the other involving enforcement of a non-custodial parent’s visiting privileges.   The European Court’s caselaw on parents’ and

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IACtHR Swears in New Judges, Hears Cases on Range of Issues during Ongoing 98th Session

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) is holding its 98th Ordinary Session from February 4 through February 15, 2013 at its seat in San José, Costa Rica. [IACtHR Press Release (Spanish)] During this session, the Court will hear evidence and legal arguments from the parties in six cases pending before it, preside over private hearings on States’ compliance with three previous judgments,

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Mali Conflict: Concerns Persist for Protection of Human Rights, Displaced Populations, Minority Groups

The West African nation of Mali, previously hailed as a democratic model for other regional governments, has become engulfed in a human rights and political crisis that is now the target of international attention and military intervention. Government and foreign forces are attempting to reclaim territory from separatist rebel groups, while the International Criminal Court and UN and African human rights

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UN Special Rapporteur Initiates Investigation into Drone Strikes and Other Targeted Killings

On January 24, 2013, the UN Special Rapporteur on counterterrorism and human rights, Ben Emmerson, launched an investigation of States’ use of armed drones and other forms of targeted killing.  The investigation will focus on the legal framework applicable to the use of drones and the technology’s impact on civilians by examining 25 case studies of strikes carried out by the

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