UN Human Rights Committee Clarifies, Expands Guidance on Right to Life

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has issued new legal guidance on the right to life under Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), expanding its interpretation of government obligations to protect reproductive rights and address climate change, among other topics. See Human Rights Committee, General comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the

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Human Rights Committee

UN Human Rights Committee Condemns “Burqa Ban,” Countering European Court

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has concluded that France’s ban on face coverings in public violates the rights of women who wear full-face veils for religious reasons, a conclusion directly at odds with a European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) judgment from 2014. Compare Human Rights Committee, Hebbadj v. France, Communication No. 2807/2016, Views of 17 July 2018, UN

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Peruvian Supreme Court Overturns Fujimori Pardon

On October 3, 2018, the Supreme Court of Peru overturned the pardon granted to former President Alberto Fujimori and ordered him to complete his sentence for crimes against humanity committed by his administration in the 1990s. [Reuters] Pursuant to a request submitted by massacre victims’ family members, the Supreme Court found that the humanitarian pardon lacked a legal basis and

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Ethiopia: Mass Arrests Seen as Setback Amid Recent Progress

In recent weeks, the Ethiopian government has retreated from democratic reforms by arresting more than 1,200 individuals, killing several dozen, sending arrestees to “rehabilitation” camps, and shutting off mobile internet access as violence and protests reached the capital. [NYTimes: Arrests; Quartz] Among other reforms, new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had welcomed previously-outlawed opposition groups to return to Ethiopia and reopened

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African Child Rights Committee Decides First Complaint Involving Sexual Violence

On September 10, 2018, the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC or Child Rights Committee) published its first decision involving sexual violence against a minor, finding that Cameroon had failed to adequately investigate, punish, and redress the rape of a 10-year-old girl. [ACERWC] The Child Rights Committee found that the State’s lack of

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Guatemala and Nicaragua Reject UN Human Rights Monitors Amid Turmoil

Two Central American governments ended their cooperation with the United Nations on specific human rights initiatives and sought to exclude UN representatives from their territories in late August 2018. In Guatemala, President Jimmy Morales announced on August 31 he would not renew the mandate of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) when it expires in 2019 and barred

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Migrants’ Rights Are Human Rights

Migrants’ rights are human rights. This fundamental truth, established in international human rights law, bears repeating in view of the Trump administration’s efforts to deter, criminalize, and stigmatize migrants, visitors, and asylum seekers. These policies and actions carry profound consequences for migrants’ human rights in the United States. Engagement with human rights oversight bodies like the Inter-American Commission on Human

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